Natural Gas
Unit                                                            Equivalent to
1 cubic metre (m3)                           35.301 cubic feet @ 14.73 psia and 60oF
thousand cubic feet (Mcf)                            1.05 GJ
million cubic feet (MMcf)                            1.05 TJ
billion cubic feet (Bcf)                                   1.05 PJ
trillion cubic feet (Tcf)                                  1.05 EJ


• 1 LNG tonne = 2,200 lbs / 3.5 = 621 LNG gallons per LNG tonne

• Typical LNG composition = 97mol% C1, 1.5% C2, <0.25% C3+, balance N2
• 1 LNG Gallon = 82.6 standard cubic feet of natural gas
• 1 LNG gallon = 82,644 Btu
• 1,000,000 Btu / 82,644 Btu per gallon = 12.1 LNG gallons per MMBtu
• 10,000 gallons = 826 MCF

              • 1 LNG road tanker = 9,500 LNG gallons = 33,670 lbs of LNG = 785 MCF

• 1 LNG gallon weighs 3.5 lbs gas: HHV = 1027 Btu/ft3 = 38.3 MJ/m3
LHV    = 930 Btu/ft3 = 34.6 MJ/m3
1,012      Btu/standard cubic foot methane             [Ref: Chemical Engineers’ Handbook. John H Perry, ed. McGraw-Hill Book Company: New York, 1963. Pg 9-9.]
19           1,050     Btu/standard cubic foot natural gasMethane      0.941      Million Btu/Thousand Cubic Feet
Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids  Natural Gas
BBLS – barrels BCF – billion cubic feet
BOE – barrel of oil equivalent MCF – thousand cubic feet
MBBLS – thousand barrels MMCF – million cubic feet
BBLS/D – barrels per day MCF/D – thousand cubic feet per day
BOPD – barrels of oil per day MMCF/D – million cubic feet per day
NGL – natural gas liquids MMBTU – million British thermal units
STB – stock tank barrels
MSTB – thousand stock tank barrels
2127 liters – one ton LNG 47,000 tons = 100 thousand kiloliters LNG
135,000 m3 (62,000 tons) LNG ship unloads 12 hrs docked 21

one month trip Korea from Middle East, 15 days Australia 1 cubic meter of natural gas ~ 1/2 metric ton.



Prefix Unit
Kilo 103
Mega 106
Giga 109
Tera 1012
Peta 1015
Metric Imperial
1 kilogram 2.204 pounds
1 tonne 1.10231 US short ton (2 000 lbs)
1 tonne 0.98421 UK long ton (2 240 pounds)
1 kilolitre 6.28981 barrels (bbls)
1 barrel (of oil, bbl)

158.987 litres

42 US gallons

0.1364 tonnes

1 cubic metre (1 kilolitre) 35.3147 cubic feet
1 kilojoule 0.94781 British Thermal Units (Btus)
1 calorie 4.186 joules
1 cubic metre  35.3147 cubic feet

                                                 Table 2 Petroleum and coal

Mass or volume gas Energy & other
1 cubic metre of gas  38 megajoules as methane
44 megajoules as W.A. NWS LNG
1 billion cubic metres of natural gas 730 000 tonnes of LNG
1 Trillion Cubic Feet (TCF) Approx. 1 000 petajoules
20 million tonnes
1 tonne of gas 1 333 cubic metres
1 terajoule 26 300 cubic metres of gas
0.929 million cubic feet of natural gas
17.63 tonnes of LNG
1 MCF (eg. per day) (millions cubic feet) of gas (also 1MMSFD = 1 million cubic feet per day)  28 317 cubic metres
19.39 tonne of LNG
1 057 Gigajoules
1.1 Terajoules
1 tonne of LNG 1 460 cubic metres (at 20ºC) (or 1 333 at 0ºC)
54.5 Gigajoules
9.5 bbl of Arab crude oil by energy equivalence
51.7 MMBTUs
1 tonne of crude oil 7.33 bbls
42.1 gigajoules
1 MMBTU 1.055 Gigajoules
3.6 gigajoule 1 MWh
1 petajoule (1 terajoule) ca. 20 000 tonnes (20 tonnes) gas
1 terajoule of gas per day ca. 7 200 tonnes per year.
1 million tonnes of LNG per year 1.333 billion cubic metres per year
3.65 million cubic metres of natural gas per day
100 MW power station (33% efficiency) ca. 25 terajoules per day (10 Gigajoules/1MWh)
Coal ca. 20 Gigajoules per tonne
Condensate ca. 32 Megajoules per Litre
Crude oil ca. 37 Megajoules per Litre
LNG ca 25 Megajoules per Litre
Natural gas ca. 38 Megajoules per Cubic Metre
Average Energy Conversion Factors
  U.S. Customary Unit Metric Equivalent
Crude oil 1 barrel 0.1364 metric tons
5.75 gigajoules
Coal 1 short ton 0.9072 metric tons
Natural gas 1 cubic foot 0.0283 cubic meters
Natural gas plant liquids 1 barrel 0.0862 metric tons
Btu/joule 1 Btu 1 055.1 joules
Petroleum products
Motor gasoline 1 barrel 0.1172 metric tons
Distillate fuel oil 1 barrel 0.1340 metric tons
Residual fuel oil 1 barrel 0.1502 metric tons
  cubic metre cubic foot gas million Btu therm gigajoule kilowatt hour cubic metre of LNG ton of LNG
1 cubic meter gas  1 35.3 0.036 0.36 0.038 10.54 0.00171 0.000725
1 cubic foot gas  0.0283 1 0.00102 0.0102 0.00108 0.299 0.00005 0.00002
1-million Btu  27.8 981 1 10 1.054 292.7 0.048 0.0192
1 therm  2.78 98.1 0.1 1 0.105448 29.27 0.0048 0.00192
1 gigajoule  26.3 930 0.95 9.5 1 277.5 0.045 0.018
1 kilowatt hour  0.0949 3.3 0.003415 0.03418 0.0036 1 0.000162 0.000065
1 cubic meter LNG  584 20 631 21.04 210.4 22.19 6,173 1 0.405
1 ton LNG  1,379 48 690 52 520 54.8 15 222 2.47 1
1 barrel Arabian Lt.  0.152 5 350 5.46 54.6 5.75 1 597 0.259 0.105
1 ton Arabian
1.111 39 218 40 400 42.2 11 708 1.9 0.769


The following table sets forth certain standard conversions from Standard Imperial Units to the International System of Units (or metric units).

	LNG           NG           OIL         OIL          COAL
        t/y           106 mmcF/d  toe/y       boe/y        tce/y
                      109 Nm3/y
        1             1.41         1.22        25           1.9
        0.71          1            0.87        18           39
        0.82          1.15         1           20           1.55
        0.04          0.056        0.049       1            0.076
        0.53          0.74         0.64        13           1

To Convert From  To 
Multiply By
MCF Cubic meters (“m³”)
Cubic meters Cubic feet
BBLS (U.S. 42 gallons) Cubic meters (“m³”)
Cubic meters (“m³”) BBLS
Feet Meters
Meters Feet
Miles Kilometers
Kilometers Miles
Acres Hectares
Hectares Acres

1 million tones LNG =~ 2.2 million cubic meter LNG
1 million tones per year (tpy) LNG =~ 140 million standard cubic per day (MMscfd) gas
100 MMscfd gas ~ 730,000 tpy LNG
~ 2,100 tpd LNG
1 million cubic meter LNG = 6.29 million bbl LNG
=~ 460,000 tonnes LNG
1 cubic meter LNG ~ 600 cubic meter gas
~ 21200 cubic foot gas
1 standard cubic foot (scf) = 0.0268 normal cubic meter (Nm 3)
1 standard cubic meter (scm) = 1.057 normal cubic metter (Nm 3)
1 kmole gas = 22.41 Nm 3 @ 101.325kPa(A) and 0 oC
1 lb-mole gas = 379.49 scf @ 14.696psia and 60 oF
Price Conversions for Natural Gas
“US$ 1.00/MMBTU” is equal to:

for other fuels

expressed in R$
multiply by   to obtain  multiply by   to obtain 
5.46 US$/ barrel of oil Exchange rate x 37.30 US$/ mil m³ natural gas
40.22 US$/ ton. fuel oil Exchange Rate x 1.06 US$/ mil ft³ natural gas
51.32 US$/ ton. LNG Exchange Rate x 0.10 US$/ therm
46.63 US$/ ton. PLG Exchange Rate x 3.97 US$/ cal
42.66 US$/ ton. diesel Exchange Rate x 3.42 US$/ mwh
13.10 US$/ ton. firewood Exchange Rate x 0.95 US$/ Gjoule
26.98 US$/ ton. charcoal Exchange Rate in R$  

‘000 cubic meters
natural gas
fuel oil
‘000 cubic meters natural gas 37.30 1.00 0.73 0.80 0.93
ton LNG 51.32 1.38 1.00 1.10 1.28
ton PLG 46.63 1.25 0.91 1.00 1.16
ton diesel 42.66 1.14 0.83 0.91 1.06
ton fuel oil 40.22 1.08 0.78 0.86 1.00
ton charcoal 26.98 0.72 0.53 0.58 0.67
national coal (4,500 kcal/Kg) 17.86 0.48 0.35 0.38 0.44
ton firewood 13.10 0.35 0.26 0.28 0.33
barrel petroleum 5.46 0.15 0.11 0.12 0.14

natural gas: 1 cubic meter = 9,400 Kcal (20º and 1 atm)
1 million BTU ( 1 MMBTU) = 26.8 cubic meters ( m³) natural gas.